Routech Record 210 NT

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The Record 210 NT range offers a wide range of solutions for all the applications including 5 axes. The machine base and mobile gantry are electro-welded and ribbed steel structures that ensure the rigidity and precision of this CNC Router. The most customizable solution ROUTECH offers has available table dimensions of 12’x5’, 14’x5’, 20’x5’ or 24’x5’ in both aluminum table and tubeless vacuum. The 210NT is an SCM solution to meet any of your machining needs.
  • Available table dimensions: 12’x5’, 14’x5’, 20’x5’ or 24’x5’
  • Machining unit: 12HP (S1 Rating) SCM electro-spindle (24hp available)
  • 5 axes machining unit: Prisma-K SCM electro-spindle and an auxiliary multi-drilling unit
  • 5 axes machining unit:
  • 12 position tool changer standard. 16 or 24 positions available
  • The Aluminum Table, made of extruded aluminum.
  • Tubless vacuum consists of movable rails and vacuum cups
  • Clear Head Protection, full height metal Fence around the machine complemented by safety mats at the front of the machine
For more information on this product please contact Joe Hall at (503) 869-2485 or